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Woven Wire Mesh for Battery & Fuel Cells

The woven wire mesh is widely used as battery current collector, fuel cells and electrolyzers.

Woven Wire Mesh for Battery & Fuel Cells

The woven wire mesh is widely used as battery current collector, fuel cells and electrolyzers. As the mesh is made from two separate wires, it can withstand the desired flex without losing contact and active material.


The woven wire mesh including the following material

Stainless steel wire mesh

Nickel wire mesh

Copper wire mesh

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Stainless steel mesh is used for a range of fuel cell applications, and can be applied to a wide variety of battery and electrical accumulator processes.

Nickel wire mesh is effective playing the role in anodes and cathodes within fuel cells and batteries. It can be used for fuel cell development, but most often as a current collector and for anode and cathode construction.

Copper wire mesh is ideal for Li-Ion battery,lithium cell ,supercapacitor, rechargeable battery etc.


Supply forms

A multitude of mesh supply forms are available, it includes, but not limit to tapes, sheets, discs etc.