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Wedge Screen Centrifuge Basket for Fish industries

The fish screen is basically a large filter (like a sieve). The filter has slot sizes from 1mm to 3mm that prevents all stages of fish life from entering through the screen.

In many parts of the world, fish screens are considered a critical component whole-of-farm approach to irrigation modernization. They have installed many self-cleaning screens.This means when they screen out fish, they also screen out debris which saves time and money through more efficient pump operation and lack of blockage of sprinkler systems.


A fish swimming towards a screen designed to stop it from being juiced by an irrigation pump.The screen changes the water velocity around irrigation pumps, preventing the extraction of fish.

fish screen.jpg  

The fish screen is basically a large filter (like a sieve). The filter has slot sizes from 1mm to 3mm that prevents all stages of fish life from entering through the screen.



Urban water intakes

Hydro power facilities

Debris dense waterways

Water extraction facilities

Cooling water intakes