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Tolerances on Woven Wire Mesh Count

The woven wire mesh count is the number of wires or openings per linear inch (25.4 mm), counted from the center of any wire to a point exactly 1 in. (25.4 mm) distant, including the fractional distanc...

The woven wire mesh count is the number of wires or openings per linear inch (25.4 mm), counted from the center of any wire to a point exactly 1 in. (25.4 mm) distant, including the fractional distance between either thereof.

Tolerances on Woven Wire Mesh Count-Tolerances in woven wire mesh count shall be applied separately for warp and shute and in accordance with the following table.

mesh count tolerance table




Coarser than 30mesh,incl



Over 30 to 200mesh,incl



Finer than 200mesh



mesh count1.jpg