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Sieve Bend Screen for Pulp and Paper

Sieve bend screens are the important parts of pulp and paper water treatment

Ourun wire mesh provides an array of screening solutions to help you ensure efficient, low-maintenance filtration solutions for the processing of your pulp and paper products. From treating incoming water and outgoing wastewater to media retention for chemical treatment processes, our wedge wire screening solutions are designed to achieve high performance.

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Sieve bend screens are the important parts of pulp and paper water treatment. The screen can remove debris, leaves, bark and twigs from wash waters to recirculation in woodyard plants, and recover loss fiber and improve the clarifier efficiency in pulp and paper mills.


With a wide range of wire and rod shapes, sizes and materials, we will work with you to select the ideal combination for the product you are looking for, creating the optimum screens for your pulp and paper application.
