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Knitted Wire Mesh for Aviary

Our knitted wire mesh is suitable for indoor and outdoor aviaries or animal enclosures.

Our knitted wire mesh is suitable for indoor and outdoor aviaries or animal enclosures. It has become a very popular product for safely house birds, small mammals, and some reptiles.    

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The knitted wire mesh is extremely lightweight and flexible, making it easy to install and shape to any custom aviary or animal enclosure design.


Stainless steel is not just ideal for outdoor use but also completely safe for your bird! It is known that galvanized steel, a popular material for aviary mesh, can cause zinc poisoning in birds, so it is extremely important to ensure that your mesh is made from stainless steel. We offer stainless steel grade 304 304L 316 316L can be used for enclosures.  Stainless steel is also anti-corrosive and all-weather resistant making it perfect for outdoor use.


The most unique point about our knitted wire mesh is that it is nearly invisible to the human eye due to the knitted looping pattern.