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Knitted Wire Mesh for Architectural Industries

Knitted wire mesh could also be used for the architectural industries, offering a pleasing aesthetic without taking away from the overall look of a building.

Knitted wire mesh could also be used for the architectural industries, offering a pleasing aesthetic without taking away from the overall look of a building.

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Compared with woven mesh, the knitted wire mesh has many advantages. It is extremely lightweight and flexible, making it an ideal material to work with.The knitted pattern and wire diameter make the mesh near invisible from a distance, offering architectural solutions that will not cause an eye-sore.


Stainless steel

Stainless steel is usually the most popular option for architectural mesh as it is anti-corrosive and all weather resistant, making it perfect for outdoor use.


Different wire diameters

Knitted wire mesh can be knit from a number of different wire diameters from 0.10mm to 0.45mm, and can be manufactured as a single or a multi-strand.
