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Copper Wire Mesh for Jewelry making

As the copper wire mesh is beautiful metal wire mesh, it is widely used in the jewelry designs. The material is not just visually pleasing but also versatile and easy to use.

As the copper wire mesh is beautiful metal wire mesh, it is widely used in the jewelry designs. The material is not just visually pleasing but also versatile and easy to use.


Copper wire mesh has a wide range of specifications, including different mesh weaves, wire diameters,mesh sizes,widths,length etc. The smaller the diameter, the more pliable the material will be. It can be integrated into pieces as an accent or molded into a single jewelry item.


When you select super fine copper wire mesh, it will be very malleable - almost like durable foil. The material can be bent, warped, folded, rolled, crinkled, and even embossed.