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Arc Angle

The arc angle of 45°, 60°and 90° is often adopted for self flow DSM screen for coal preparation plant and concentrator.

The arc angle of 45°, 60°and 90° is often adopted for self flow DSM screen for coal preparation plant and concentrator.

sieve drawing (1).png sieve drawing (2).png

The DSM screen, which usually adopts the arc of 180°and 270°, is used in the grading operation of the grinding process in the cement industry.


Due to the great discharge capacity, many coal preparation plants often use the sieve bend screen for predehydration before dewatering screen, and the gap between the screens is generally 3-6 times larger than that of the dewatering screen in the next process, but the maximum slot should not exceed 3 mm.

sieve bend (2).jpg